Review of “Reinventing Higher Education”

Lisa J. Hatfield   |    Email Article Download Article

The last chapter of Reinventing Higher Education: The Promise of Innovation seems to sum up the book’s premise best: make sure students are learning, and hold faculty and administrators accountable for that learning. The book’s eight chapters are organized into three basic themes and offer numerous examples of innovative practices across the spectrum of private, public, and for-profit institutions. The book’s themes include: a look at barriers to innovation in higher education; examples of innovations currently being implemented; and a glimpse into the future of nontraditional universities. The editors incorporate contributions from authors from academia as well as the private sector.
The contributors who hail from academia hold posts either in or associated with schools of business, and many of the authors advocate tenets of a business model. The contributors represent institutions such as University of Southern California (USC) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

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